This is a ChatGPT-generated essay covering some topics that I’d like to work with later, so I’m saving it here as a note. Introduction In
Read MoreThis is a ChatGPT-generated essay covering some topics that I’d like to work with later, so I’m saving it here as a note. Possessiveness is
Read MorePer usual, everyone seems to be jumping to conclusions without a lot of information. At this point I have more questions than answers… As someone
Read MoreThe United States just had an election and for me that means my liberal friends will annoy me about who won instead of annoying me
Read MoreSubject piece of discussion: A recent piece published by Crimethinc is described as “in-depth account, an anarchist from occupied Palestine reviews the history of
Read MoreChatGPT Generated – not bad! The Maple-Ash-Farmer-Wilson (MAFW) project in Tempe, Arizona, is a prime example of contemporary anarchist community organizing. This initiative, named after
Read MoreWhen I was becoming interested in politics, the 1999 “Battle of Seattle” had recently happened and the leftwing discourse was heavily oriented towards critiques of
Read MoreThe anti-Zionist position is either redundant, or a collaboration with our enemies. Everything that is wrong with Zionism is covered in a general critique of
Read MoreSo much of what I watch, read, talk about, and think about is far removed (or perhaps entirely divorced) from my everyday life. I don’t
Read MoreA lot of leftists and anarchists have accepted a narrative about Israel-Palestine that is pretty warped. The basic problem isn’t limited to anglophone ignorance about
Read MoreIntroduction Man, an abridgment of the universe, sums up and syncretizes in his person all the potentialities of being, all the sections of the absolute;
Read MoreA lot of the more mainstream political discourse on YouTube includes a heavy dose of debate about morality. I haven’t fleshed out my own thoughts
Read MoreOne of the last times we talked, I ended on some notes about peoplehood, nationality, the State, and some such things. I also emphasized the
Read MoreAnarchists often argue with opponents who have already assumed certain criteria for political philosophy. A capitalist will assume that ration self-interest is a predominant characteristic of human nature that is best managed through private property and market competition. A socialist will assume that the common good depends on a society of relatively equal members contributing to the economic security of all. A fascist will assume that nationalities are primordial, nearly-natural types of categories – or at least so irreversibly ingrained in cultural history- that society ought to be organized to preserve and promote each nationality to benefit or detriment of each other.
Read MoreAn article was posted to LibCom recently… It is a decent analysis of Identity Politics, but like most, it misses what I think are some
Read MoreLet’s just begin with a few easily accessible statistics from wikipedia:…/History_of_the_Jews_in_the… Jews are a multi-ethnic group totalling only 14.8 million, 0.2% of
Read MoreWith the publication of this book a cloud that has oppressed the European mind for more than a century begins to lift. After an age of anxiety, despair, and nihilism, it seems possible once more to hope–to have confidence again in man and in the future. M. Camus has not delivered us by rhetoric, or by any of the arts of persuasion, but by the clarity of his intelligence. His book is a work of logic. Just as an earlier work of his (Le Mythe de Sisyphe) began with a meditation on living or not living–on the implications of the act of suicide–so this work begins with a meditation on enduring or not enduring–on the implications of the act of rebellion. If we decide to live, it must be because we have decided that our personal existence has some positive value; if we decide to rebel, it must be because we have decided that a human society has some positive value. But in each case the values are not “given”–that is the illusionist trick played by religion or by philosophy. They have to be deduced from the conditions of living, and are to be accepted along with the suffering entailed by the limits of the possible. Social values are rules of conduct implicit in a tragic fate; and they offer a hope of creation.
Read MoreAnyone who has been in a classroom even remotely related to Developmental Psychology or read a popular article on the topic will be familiar with Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs.
But Maslow was much more interesting than most people would assume. First of all, he was philosophically oriented towards anarchism. If one reads his late work “The Farther Reaches of Human Nature,” especially ”Part V. Society,” then they will surely find out that Maslow’s ideal society is an anarchist one.
Read MoreApparently, almost everyone who has made a statement about Albert Camus’ political ideology skipped the end of his most extensive essay in political philosophy: The
Read More“You are what you are not and are not what you are.” – Jean-Paul Sartre According to the famous psychologist and psychoanalyst Erik Erikson, the
Read MoreThe storming of the US Capitol Building was only one of a series of right-wing attacks on 01/06/2021, adding to decades of nationalist reaction. Yes,
Read MoreThe State of This Sketch I began writing this some years ago and have yet to finish it. I am regularly disappointed by that fact,
Read MoreAs someone who was educated in the United States (and this may apply elsewhere), my introduction to Existentialism came mostly in the form of
Read MoreAttempt to articulate these ideas #1 The United States is a country that doesn’t know itself, nor others. Last week I began listening to the
Read MoreThe ugly truth is that there is little evidence to suggest that we will ever be more than one of countless minority groups, competing with
Read MoreThe Rebel by Albert Camus reviewed by Squee Published in Anarchy, A Journal of Desire Armed In 1951, Albert Camus had already dealt thoroughly with
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